ABB Ownership Transfer Customer Announcement

On February 16, 2024, ABB Inc., a Delaware corporation (“ABB”), announced that it signed an agreement to acquire SEAM Group (“SEAM”) (the “Transaction”). The synergies between SEAM Group and ABB will allow ABB to offer all SEAM Group customers increased value. Together, SEAM Group and ABB will deliver new levels of operational performance to you.

On August 1, 2024, SEAM Group will merge with and into ABB and ABB Inc. will be the legal party to your contract(s) and purchase order(s). Except as provided in this letter, the terms of the contract(s) and purchase order(s) entered between your company and SEAM Group should otherwise remain unchanged.

On and after August 1, 2024, please issue all new purchase orders in the name of ABB Inc. as it is the legal name of the entity that will be issuing invoices. Any in-process purchase orders issued to SEAM Group can remain unchanged; however, we kindly ask you to pay to the entity name appearing on your invoice.

Banking information will remain unchanged other than changing the account name to ABB Inc.

Remittance information will be changing on August 1, 2024. 

Mail payments to:

ABB Inc.
PO Box 88868
Chicago, IL  60695-1868

Courier (Physical) Deliveries:    

JP Morgan
Attn: ABB Inc. Box 88868
131 S. Dearborn St – 6th Floor
Chicago, IL  60603

We are providing the below additional information and attaching the ABB Inc. W-9 for your files. You may need to input ABB into your vendor registration system.

Item Pre-Close (SEAM Group LLC) - OLD Post-Close (ABB, Inc.) - NEW
Legal Entity SEAM Group, LLC ABB Inc.
Legal Entity Address 21111 Chagrin Blvd.
Suite 100
Beachwood, OH 44122
305 Gregson Drive.
Cary, NC 27511
Tax ID 46-0632707 36-3100018
Dunns Number 78643431 808229041
W9 SEAM Group LLC ABB Inc.

If you previously obtained information on SEAM via third-party platforms (such as ISN or Avetta), please note that as of August 1, 2024, you should obtain information on ABB by accessing ABB’s profile on those platforms.

If you require a new certificate of insurance, please email:

If you need additional information or have any questions about this change, please contact:

SEAM Group appointed contact for general acquisition inquiries:

Crystal Winfrey
Contracts Department
Direct Email:        
ABB transition inquires:

ABB Contact

Claiborne Hardeman
ABB, Inc.
Electrification Services

Request for new Certificate of Insurance:

We are excited to continue strengthening our partnership with you.